Number System Conversion
Converting between number systems involves using systematic methods. Below are the detailed steps for converting between Decimal, Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal systems.
1. Decimal to Other Systems
Decimal to Binary:
- Divide the decimal number by 2.
- Record the remainder (0 or 1).
- Repeat the division until the quotient is 0.
- Write the remainders in reverse order.
Example: Convert to Binary.
- R
- R
- R
- R
- R
Result: .
Decimal to Octal:
- Divide the decimal number by 8.
- Record the remainder.
- Repeat until the quotient is 0.
- Write the remainders in reverse order.
Example: Convert to Octal.
- R
- R
Result: .
Decimal to Hexadecimal:
- Divide the decimal number by 16.
- Record the remainder (0-9 or A-F).
- Repeat until the quotient is 0.
- Write the remainders in reverse order.
Example: Convert to Hexadecimal.
- R
- R
Result: .
2. Binary to Other Systems
Binary to Decimal:
- Multiply each binary digit by (from right to left, starting at 0).
- Sum all the values.
Example: Convert to Decimal.
- .
Binary to Octal:
- Group binary digits in sets of 3, starting from the right.
- Convert each group to its octal equivalent.
Example: Convert to Octal.
- Group: .
- Convert: , .
Result: .
Binary to Hexadecimal:
- Group binary digits in sets of 4, starting from the right.
- Convert each group to its hexadecimal equivalent.
Example: Convert to Hexadecimal.
- Group: .
- Convert: , .
Result: .
3. Octal to Other Systems
Octal to Decimal:
- Multiply each digit by (from right to left, starting at 0).
- Sum all the values.
Example: Convert to Decimal.
- .
Octal to Binary:
- Convert each octal digit to its 3-bit binary equivalent.
Example: Convert to Binary.
- , .
Result: .
Octal to Hexadecimal (via Binary):
- Convert the octal number to binary.
- Group the binary digits in sets of 4.
- Convert each group to hexadecimal.
Example: Convert to Hexadecimal.
- .
- Group: .
- Convert: , .
Result: .
4. Hexadecimal to Other Systems
Hexadecimal to Decimal:
- Multiply each digit by (from right to left, starting at 0).
- Sum all the values.
Example: Convert to Decimal.
- .
Hexadecimal to Binary:
- Convert each hexadecimal digit to its 4-bit binary equivalent.
Example: Convert to Binary.
- , .
Result: .
Hexadecimal to Octal (via Binary):
- Convert the hexadecimal number to binary.
- Group the binary digits in sets of 3.
- Convert each group to octal.
Example: Convert to Octal.
- .
- Group: .
- Convert: , , .
Result: .
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